Developing a Logic Model
A program logic model is a picture of how your program works - the theory and assumptions underlying the program. A logic model is an integral part to the Evaluation System.
"It provides a road map of your program, highlighting how it is expected to work, what activities need to come before others, and how desired outcomes are achieved (p. 35)." W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook (1998).
Many of you have logic models already in place in your program. If you do not, or would like to update your logic model, a wonderful guide is the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook (available Free of charge) - W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook
In the Shared Evaluation Model, you will include a logic model for your program. You may choose to answer each of the logic model questions individually, or you may submit a copy of your existing logic model for your program.
Below is a link to sample logic model templates available within the Shared Evaluation Model: